Massage Therapy Can Play Positive Role in Your Mental Health

Michelle Ebbin, massage therapy expert and author of The Touch Remedy, believes that holistic practices like massage therapy can play a greater role in helping people keep their mental health in check. She also offers ideas on how to incorporate massage into one’s routine at home and also at work. Massage has been scientifically proven to lower…

Back Pain: Why Exercise Can Provide Relief – and How To Do It Safely

While you might think you should rest your back if it hurts, being active can actually help relieve your pain and protect you from getting back pain again in the future. This is because our spines are designed to move, bend and lift, which keeps our bones and soft tissues strong and supple. Regular movement and exercise can help…

Massage Can Support a Woman’s Journey from Menstruation to Menopause

Relaxation is usually the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about the benefits of massage—and it’s not wrong to make that connection between therapeutic massage and stress relief. But massage can also address everything from improved sleep to pain relief to an athlete’s muscle recovery. For women specifically, research shows massage can help…